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When You Need a Printer, You Need a Printer

When You Need a Printer, You Need a Printer

More and more things are switching to digital formats, but printers aren’t gone for good. There are still plenty of circumstances that benefit from or require having a printed copy of a document. Fewer people have printers in their homes, and some offices are even doing without them. But there’s still power in the printed page, so businesses and companies still offer commercial printers for sale. If you’re on the fence about whether your office needs a printer, our team at Hallmark Copier has some reasons why a printer is still helpful to have around.


After your read this article, we think you’ll be searching for commercial printers for sale!


Spot Errors More Easily

Your brain engages with printed words differently than words on a screen. Reading a long document is much easier when you have the pages in your hand rather than scrolling through them on a computer screen. If you need to review a document and make corrections, it is easier for you to spot errors on a printed page. And it’s much more satisfying to strike unnecessary lines out with a red pen than just delete them in a digital document.


Create Physical Reminders

If you have something that you need a coworker to review or address, you can quickly get frustrated and tired of sending email reminders. But when you have a physical copy to put on their desk, it’s harder for them to ignore it. When there is a physical reminder in front of them, it becomes more urgent. And then it’s more likely to get done.


Have a Backup Copy

We’ve all been told that it is more convenient to store things in the cloud. But computers can fail like anything else. If you lose access to your cloud storage, you lose all your documents. We often think that because we have a copy of something saved to our computer that it’s impossible to lose it. But the existence of IT departments reminds us that’s just not so. Having physical copies of important documents ensures that you can always access them if you need them.


Commercial Printers for Sale | Hallmark Copier

Have we convinced you that you need a printer? If so, we have commercial printers for sale at Hallmark Copier for every business size and need. Contact us at 1-800-622-9099 to speak with our representatives and find the best printer for your business or office.